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Trobots 5013 News


On August 4th, 2023, and August 5th, 2023, the Trobots hosted two STEM camps with 20+ total attendees. The first camp on August 4th had Girl Scouts earning their robotics badge, while the second camp on August 5th had a general population of middle schoolers who learned about robotics.

At the start of the Girl Scout Robotics Camp, the team showcased all 6 simple machines with real-life examples. After the simple machine showcase, the team showed the scouts past examples of FRC/FLL games and bots so that they could easily visualize how to build a robot. The attendees then designed and built intakes for the robot to pick up LEGO bricks and then used block code to program the robot through a winding maze. Finally, the scouts showed their adults the autonomous routine they had created with their group.

The next day in the second camp, the second camp started by having team veterans teach CAD principles to attendees to create personal name tags that were eventually 3D printed. Next, the team led the students to the robot, at which point the drive team showcased the robot’s complex skills. Then, the attendees broke off into different “subteam” groups in order to pursue their interests. Some groups included activities such as programming a robot’s elevator system, looking at the design and parts of an elevator robot, and using snap circuits to simulate the electrical system of a robot. Another group that attendees participated in was building and programming LEGO Spike Robots that were used the day prior.

At the very end of both camps, guardians and parents asked questions in a mini Q&A session, allowing the team to explain its goals and outreach efforts to the community. The Trobots hope to continue hosting events that benefit and get children into the STEM mindset in our local community.


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