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Trobots 5013 News

Trobots join The Open Alliance

Our team decided to take on the challenge to collaborate more with our FRC community and to be more open in how our team works and what we are doing through the season by openly sharing our designs, our code, and our processes.

Our first step is that we joined The Open Alliance; mostly because we wanted to work on these 3 big points.

  • Commitment device to produce better documentation and keep our CAD up to date.

  • Peer review. Sometimes we have bad ideas, the faster we realize it the better.

  • Visibility. We want to get our name out and get known better outside of our region.

Now, we will make it a point to document those processes and steps and use Open Alliance as our tool to insure we are keeping on top of those steps as we implement our first ever Technical Brief.

If you are interested in following our progress and to go more in depth on what we are doing, start with our Chief Delphi or Discord thread and then look at implementation specifics in our CAD or Code.

Other sources to look at: The Blue Alliance - Historical information at various regionals as well as videos

Our YouTube Channel - Where we host our Trobot Talks and some of our Videos.

Our Website Blog - We will also post weekly recaps through out the season.


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